Workshops: the caos can happen everywhere

Art education means to me thinking in multiple layers: by that I want to allow humor in the room and contextualize it as a political tool. Next to this I see teaching through intersectional thinking by using performative movements. Within that I want to use chaos as a tool to question the binary system. Essential to this is collaboration: By crossing different thoughts, impulses and movements I want to rearrange the given structure through togetherness.

Workshop in Cooperation with Lia Quirina, 2021
Performance, Body & Costume
Queer Museum Vienna
Within the Workshop of Lia Qurina and Val Holfeld offered a joint theoretical examination of the topics of identity, gender and social norms. Using costume and performance, these themes were approached on the participants' own bodies. With the most diverse materials, body-expanding and body-changing costumes were formed. Through experimentation with movement, space and effect were explored (indoors and outdoors).

Lecture in Cooperation with Lia Quirina, 2023 Queere Collaboration
6. International Symposium for Art Education,
St. Pölten Festspielhaus
Lia Quirina and Val Holfeld started to hold workshops in 2020 together. In this Lecture their shared experiences how to question binary systems within art education. Particularly they question the Learning structure and how queer- feminist can be tangled through intersectional methods. Hereby the Duo works with the Art- Practice of Chaos, Cooperation with Space, Room, Body and Questions of a Safe(r) Space.